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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Missing Environment Minister Greg Hunt's article - "Government Steals 24.5 million in Solar Hot Water Money"

The following is an article Greg Hunt linked to in a tweet on 29 February 2012.
At the time it was at url ""
The following copy was retrieved on 20 August 2014 from
url ""

The Prime Minister must explain whether she has been willing to sacrifice the solar hot water industry in desperate attempt to deliver a budget surplus.

The industry is in shock, workers' jobs are now at risk and families considering installing a solar hot water system have been abandoned.
The Prime Minister has today been caught out in Question Time.

The Prime Minister told the Australian Parliament that the solar hot water scheme was due to end on 30 June this year.

This is plainly untrue.

The Portfolio Additional Estimates for the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency released by the Minister this month make it absolutely clear that the Prime Minister's statement was false.

At Page 26, of the Estimates under Program 1.2 Improving Australia's Energy Efficiency, there is a clear provision of $24.5 million for the Solar Hot Water Initiative for the financial year 2012-13.

This contradicts the Government's supposed justification for scrapping the scheme because it had run out of money.

Either there has been complete incompetence in the management of the scheme or the government is not being honest with the Australian people and has stolen the money out of the solar hot water scheme to prop up its budget.

The Prime Minister must explain whether she has been willing to sacrifice the solar hot water industry in desperate attempt to deliver a budget surplus.

Labor suddenly shut down the scheme last night after the shop doors had closed, to prevent any further claims for the solar hot water rebate.

The industry is in shock, workers' jobs are now at risk and families considering installing a solar hot water system have been abandoned.

This follows the same appalling pattern of behaviour when the government similarly wound up rebates for solar panels, pink batts, cash for clunkers and green loans.

Labor appears more interested in the photo opportunities and launches for campaigns, but completely incompetent when it comes to delivering the programs.

Solar hot water is a real and practical way that families can reduce their greenhouse emissions and cut their power bills ahead of the Carbon Tax on 1 July.

It shows the contradiction of the Government which is happy to slug families with a Carbon Tax but takes away a valuable solar program.

The Coalition is committed to the solar industry and as part of its Direct Action Plan has a one million solar roofs policy including the installation of solar hot water systems.