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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Dispatchable power and dispatchable internet of things

The National Electricity Market in Australia experiences periods where more electricity is supplied than is needed, and periods where demand exceeds the available supply. 

"Dispatchable power" has been mentioned as a partial remedy to the latter periods.

The ability to remotely turn off rooftop solar PV systems and air conditioners has been mentioned as a partial remedy to the former periods. 

A more flexible solution is available, one echoes a feature in operating systems design, where hundreds of concurrent processes queue to use scarce resources and relinquish them when finished or surrendered.

Appliances and devices can be equipped with smart switches that send one of several status signals to distributed National Electricity Market management systems: 

  • "I am not currently consuming electricity, but can if requested."
  • "I am currently consuming electricity, but can pause if requested."
  • "I am not currently sending electricity to the grid, but can if requested."
  • "I am currently sending electricity to the grid, but can pause if requested."

The appropriate subset of status signalling, and the ability to respond to a request, can be incorporated into existing devices, including:

  • Hot Water Storage systems,
  • Home Battery Energy Storage systems,
  • Pool pumps and heaters,
  • Air conditioners,
  • Rooftop solar PV systems, and
  • Electric Vehicles.

There is a substantial cost in not having this approach to managing the National Electricity Market. 

In November 2024, over $700 million was paid by retailers in NSW for electricity used in just 7 hours and 40 minutes. This was more than the total paid for ALL the electricity the retailers purchased for the entire remainder of the month.

This pushed to average electricity price for NSW in November 2024 to $263.46 per megawatt hour (MWh). 

In December 2024, with fewer extreme price periods, the average wholesale price for NSW was only $164.72 per megawatt hour (MWh).

The National Electricity Market compels consumers to pay exorbitant prices for electricity
The National Electricity Market compels consumers to pay exorbitant prices for electricity

It would have helped if any electricity consumed in those 7 hours and 40 minutes with exceptionally high prices in NSW in November 2024 could have been postponed by just 5 or 10 minutes. 

There were also far more periods when the National Electricity Market price was exceptionally low. 

If more electricity had been consumed in those periods, avoiding the need to consume in other periods with higher prices, the average cost of electricity could be further reduced.

See "How to lower the price of electricity" for more analysis of data from the National Electricity Market.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Better appliances to work with rooftop solar PV systems

Households and businesses with rooftop solar PV systems produce so much electricity in the middle of the day that feed-in tariffs are going down fast, and there are moves afoot to be able to turn them off to avoid overloading the electricity grid with surplus electricity. 

However electricity bills are kept high by the price of electricity that increases in the mid to late afternoon as air-conditioning loads increase at the same time solar PV output is falling. 

If your business or household is exporting a large amount of electricity in the middle of the day, and paying a large amount for electricity used later in the day, more suitable appliances can be available to save you money.

There are air-conditioning options that can shift energy use from late afternoon, when cooling is needed, to the middle of the day, when electricity from solar PV systems is at a peak. 

An insulated storage tank that holds 3,000 litres of water costs about $4,000 - using a "Slim Steel" water tank, R7.0 ceiling insulation and a garden storage shed - all available at Bunnings. 

Kingspan 3000L Slim Steel Water Tank - 850mm x 1860mm x 2300mm
Kingspan 3000L Slim Steel Water Tank - 850mm x 1860mm x 2300mm - $2,695

Cooling 3,000 litres of water from 20℃ to 5℃ uses about 18 kWh of electricity - assuming a water chiller with a co-efficient of performance (COP) of 3 is used.

The cooling can be done in the middle of the day using only solar PV generated electricity. 

The chilled water is then available for air-conditioning later in the day - avoiding the need to run reverse-cycle air-conditioners using electricity from the National Electricity Market - where the price can go as high as $15,000 per MWh ($15 per kWh) in some 5-minute intervals.  

Water Source Heat Pumps (WSHP) use chilled water to cool the air in summer, (or heated water to warm air in winter) unlike typical reverse cycle units which rely on external fan assisted condensers to exchange energy with the outside air.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Energy Storage without the cost of a battery

News articles grab attention with stories that electricity utilities may want to turn off rooftop solar PV systems at times, and to turn off air conditioning systems at other times. 

What you won't find are articles on how appliances provide options for individuals and businesses themselves to adjust their energy production and consumption to best support the electricity grid. These options do not require any power for electricity utilities to interfere in how people run their own homes and businesses. 

How a Hot Water System can provide 4 kilowatt hours or more energy storage 

Many hot water systems are designed to operate as follows: 

  1. Heat water to a minimum of 60℃. This is to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. 
  2. Ensure water is delivered from the hot water system at no more than 50℃. This is to lower the risk of scald injuries. 
  3. Optionally, heat water to a maximum of 70℃ or 75℃. This is to allow more hot water, at 50℃, to be available. 

The delivery temperature of 50℃ is achieved by mixing the stored hot water with some cold water in a Temperature Limiting Device. 

Electric Hot Water System


The amount of energy needed to heat 90 litres of water from 60℃ to 70℃ is 1 kilowatt hour.

A 360-litre Hot Water System, for instance, can be used to store 4 kilowatt hours of electrical energy by raising the temperature of water in it from 60℃ to 70℃. 

There is no need to buy a battery to store energy if you own a suitable Hot Water System. 

The Argument for Smart Switches

Time of Use charging has long been proposed to "encourage" electricity consumers to avoid using electricity at times when demand is highest. However, if you examine the National Electricity Market data, you will find that this is not especially helpful. The reason is that there are periods of extremely high wholesale (NEM) prices when demand is relatively low, and conversely, there are times when there are very low wholesale prices when demand is quite high. Moreover, these intervals do not conveniently coincide with any particular time of the day that "Time of Use" charging requires.

It is more appropriate to adjust the system so that electricity is preferably consumed when the wholesale (NEM) price is relatively low, and avoid consuming electricity at those times when the price is extremely high. This can be implemented with "smart chargers" that examine the NEM price before deciding whether to store energy - in a Hot Water System, an Electric Vehicle Battery, or a Home Battery.

Analysis of the National Electricity Market Data for NSW in November and December 2024 (see "How to lower the price of electricity") that shows that the price of electricity consumed in a small proportion of the time contributed enormously to the overall cost of electricity consumed in those months. Smart switches that help to reduce electricity consumed in such periods, and preferably store more electricity whenever the price is relatively low, can lower the total cost.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Moving millions of dollars from Australia to New Zealand - Does the ATO ignore suspicious dealings

 A Kiwi used a strange process to move over $65 million from Australia to New Zealand.

The Australian Taxation Office has wide-ranging data gathering and analysis capabilities. It is inconceivable that it did not detect this case and cannot detect many cases like the one described here. 

Records available in the New Zealand company office show: 

1. $11 million was transferred between a set of New Zealand companies created a few days before, and removed soon after, where one person controlled all the companies used: 

$11 million transferred between a set of related companies in New Zealand
2. $54 million was transferred between a set of New Zealand companies created a few days before, and removed soon after, where the same person controlled all the companies used: 

$54 million transferred between a set of related companies in New Zealand

The destination of the first transfer, of $11 million, is mentioned again in an Annual Report of the company named Stockton Assets Limited: 

$11 million was loaned the Rocksprings Enterprises Limited

The source of the $millions

Companies in Australia are identified as shareholders in Priority Investments Limited, the New Zealand company name used in the transfer of the $millions: 

Two Australian companies with the same Sydney address became shareholders of a New Zealand company

Australian company office records point to two significant pieces of information about these two companies: 

1. The person who controlled the New Zealand companies that received the funds is the same person who controlled these Australian companies, and

2. Rocksprings Enterprises Limited, the New Zealand company that received the funds in New Zealand - as a loan - was the ultimate owner of the two Australian companies that was the source of the money sent from Australia to New Zealand.

A List of Source Documents and Entities Involved

The documents are available for browsing at google drive => See the list of documents here

A list of source documents and entities involved


Click on the title to view the documents in this list. Each document opens in a new tab.

1.       Priority Investments Limited and subsidiary companies

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 1997

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 29 September 2000

c.        Lodged with Company Office 12 March 2001

2.       Stockton Assets Limited

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 1997

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 29 September 2000

c.        Lodged with Company Office 12 March 2001

3.       Priority Investments Limited

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 1998

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 29 September 2000

c.        Lodged with Company Office 12 March 2001

4.       Priority Investments Limited

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 1999

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 24 December 2000

c.        Lodged with Company Office 12 March 2021

5.       Priority Investments Limited

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 2000

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 25 October 2001

c.        Lodged with Company Office ?

6.       Priority Investments Limited (862094)

a.        Annual return for 2000 – online document filing

b.       Directors and Shareholders –


John Leslie Thompson

685 Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand


Oriano Golo (sic Gold) Pty Limited – 11,445,100 shares

Level 1, 21-23 Grosvenor Street, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089, Australia

Technomin Australia Pty Ltd – 54,404,000 shares

Level 1, 21-23 Grosvenor Street, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089, Australia

c.        Is the company a subsidiary of a company incorporated outside New Zealand? Yes

d.       Are 25% or more of voting shares held by a person / body corporate ordinarily resident outside New Zealand? Yes

7.       Priority Investments Limited

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 2001

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 25 October 2001

c.        Lodged with Company Office ?

8.       Priority Investments Limited

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 2002

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 29 January 2003

c.        Lodged with Company Office 24 March 2003

9.       Priority Investments Limited

a.        Statement of Financial Performance for the period ended 30 June 2003

b.       Lodged with Company Office ?

10.  Priority Investments Limited

a.        Annual Report for the period ended 30 June 2004

b.       Signed by Director John Leslie Thompson 23 November 2004

c.        Lodged with Company Office ?

11.  Priority Investments Limited

a.        Change of Shareholders – lodged 28 November 2006

Shareholders – Current

Rocksprings Enterprises Limited – 65,849,100 shares

685 Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand

Shareholders – Previous

Technomin Australia Pty Ltd – 54,404,000 shares

Level 1, 21-23 Grosvenor Street, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089, Australia

Shareholders – Removed

Oriano Golo (sic Gold) Pty Limited – 11,445,100 shares

Level 1, 21-23 Grosvenor Street, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089, Australia

12.  Priority Investments Limited

a.        Change of Shareholders – lodged 3 April 2009

Shareholders - Current

Wayne Jones – 65,849,100 shares

12 Llandilo Avenue, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia

Shareholders - Previous

Rocksprings Enterprises Limited – 65,849,100 shares

685 Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand

13.  Technomin Australia Pty Limited

a.        ASIC Current and Historical Information

Director – 25 Jul 1986 to 4 Nov 2017

John Leslie Thompson

685 Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand

Director – 4 Jun 2008 to 27 Jun 2009

Rebecca Catherine Thompson

20 Falls Street, Leichhardt, NSW 2040

Director – 28 Jan 1997 to 4 Jun 2008

Malcolm John Kendall

12 Endeavour Street, Sylvania, NSW 2224

Registered Address – 17 Oct 1994 to 29 Oct 2007

Level 1, 21-23 Grosvenor Street, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089

Ultimate Holding Company – 28 Jan 1996 to 18 Jan 2015

Rocksprings Enterprises Limited

14.  Oriana Gold Pty Limited – 11 Aug 1994 to 10 Dec 2007

a.        ASIC Current and Historical Information

Director – 5 Jun 2008

Wayne Jones

12 Llandilo Avenue, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia

Director – 25 Sep 1986 to 5 Jun 2008

John Leslie Thompson

685 Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand

Director – 28 Jan 1997 to 4 Jun 2008

Malcolm John Kendall

12 Endeavour Street, Sylvania, NSW 2224

Registered Address – 17 Oct 1994 to 29 Oct 2007

Level 1, 21-23 Grosvenor Street, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089

Ultimate Holding Company

Rocksprings Enterprises Limited

Shareholder – 16 May 2024

Wayne Jones

12 Llandilo Avenue, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia

Previous Shareholder – 26 Jun 2008

Agriwealth Pty Limited

PO BOX 718, Neutral Bay NSW 2089

Previous Shareholder – 24 Oct 2007

Technomin Australia Limited

PO BOX 718, Neutral Bay NSW 2089

15.  Rocksprings Enterprises Limited

a.        New Zealand Company Extract

Incorporated – 9 Jun 1994


John Leslie Thompson

685 Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand


John Leslie Thompson – 117 shares

685 Peninsula Road, Kelvin Heights, Queenstown, New Zealand

Monday, December 30, 2024

How to lower the price of electricity

The Australian National Electricity Market is a surprising source of high electricity prices.

For instance, in November 2024, households and businesses in New South Wales used electricity in just ten hours that cost electricity retailers over $672 million. 

All of the electricity used in the other 29 days and 14 hours of November costs retailers less: $615 million. 

Chart of cumulative wholesale cost of elctricity for NSW in November 2024

The retailers will recoup this cost from their customers via higher retail prices that take effect in one year's time. Note that the higher retail prices will affect all the customers of electricity retailers - even if they did not use any electricity during those ten hours in November when the wholesale cost was so extreme. 

There are some things that can be done to overcome these exorbitant wholesale electricity costs. 

If homes and businesses had energy management systems, these could have a function to reduce electricity consumption from the National Electricity Market in those brief periods that contribute so much to the retail price in the following year. 

The homes and businesses with energy management systems could enter their choices on how to deal with each 5-minute interval where the cost of electricity from the National Energy Market was extreme. 

  • If any battery storage was available, the system could be instructed to use stored electricity at those times. 
  • If an appliance did not need to run in any five-minute interval, such as a pool pump, it could be instructed to switch off for one or more 5-minute intervals - until it had to be started or the wholesale price had dropped.

UPDATE, 1 January 2025

Comparison of Electricity purchased in NSW in November and December 2024

The National Electricity Market data available for the wholesale cost of electricity in NSW in November and December shows: 

  • For November, NSW electricity consumers used a total of 5,074,855 megawatt-hours (MWh) for a total cost of $1,337 million. That is $263 per megawatt-hour (MWh).
  • For December, NSW electricity consumers used a total of 5,381,036 megawatt-hours (MWh) for a total cost of $886 million. That is $165 per megawatt-hour (MWh).

National Electricity Market data for electricity sold in NSW
The data for producing the above summary was downloaded from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) web page "Aggregated price and demand data". 

The difference in price, $263/MWh in November and $165/MWh in December is the result of there being fewer 5-minute intervals in which the price was greater than $1,000 per MWh. 

  • In November there were 92 x 5-minute intervals, which is 7 hours and 40 minutes, when the electricity price was greater than $1,000 per MWh. In these 7 hours and 40 minutes the amount of electricity sold was 70,358 MWh and the price was $706 million.
  • The electricity used in those 7 hours and 40 minutes cost NSW businesses and households $10 per kWh. How many would pay that much for so little if they were given a choice?
  • In December there were 45 x 5-minute intervals, which is 3 hours and 45 minutes, when the electricity price was greater than $1,000 per MWh. In these 3 hours and 45 minutes the amount of electricity sold was 37,498 MWh and the price was $276 million.

The National Electricity Market compels consumers to pay exorbitant prices for electricity
The National Electricity Market compels consumers to pay exorbitant prices for electricity

The difference in cost to the electricity retailers who bought this electricity and supplied it to their customers was $430 million. This difference is responsible for the average wholesale price of $263 / MWh in November and $165 / MWh in December.

Note that the change was not because of a change in the total demand for electricity, and it was not due to the technology used to generate electricity. There were the same coal-fired power plants operating in both months. There were the same renewable energy producers operating in both months.

These wholesale electricity costs will be reflected in retail electricity prices in a year's time. 

For information on how to lower the cost of electricity, see "Energy Storage without the cost of a battery", which includes specific specific advice at the sub-heading "The Argument for Smart Switches".

This is a list of the 45 x 5-minute intervals in December 2024 when the wholesale cost of all electricity bought from the National Energy Market in NSW cost more than $1,000 per megawatt-hour: 

NSW12/12/2024 11:306651.211062.2TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 11:556915.821120.5TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 12:057108.531120.5TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 12:157217.561072.66TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 17:3511420.624438.07TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 17:4011345.361265.73TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 17:4511334.871060.61TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 17:5011419.915619.87TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 17:5511364.4715502.98TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:0011296.7715529.65TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:0511266.0315576.4TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:1011231.3610854.53TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:1511227.9514028.89TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:2011221.2615799.26TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:2511189.6314028.89TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:3011126.4610722.84TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:3511050.584308.54TRADE
NSW12/12/2024 18:4010980.054231.24TRADE
NSW13/12/2024 11:409317.2111267.8TRADE
NSW13/12/2024 11:459329.6317499.89TRADE
NSW13/12/2024 11:509440.5114100TRADE
NSW13/12/2024 11:559495.4511922.71TRADE
NSW16/12/2024 14:3011100.6917480TRADE
NSW16/12/2024 14:3511160.0617499.89TRADE
NSW16/12/2024 14:4511445.7115766.43TRADE
NSW16/12/2024 14:5511505.0614101.5TRADE
NSW17/12/2024 18:3010371.84127.15TRADE
NSW18/12/2024 18:008800.482268.8TRADE
NSW19/12/2024 14:404981.681071.59TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 17:5010089.881227.61TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 17:559949.161079.75TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 18:009944.711027.83TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 18:1510037.171257.89TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 18:2510068.364450.07TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 18:309915.421259.54TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 18:359928.091276.32TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 18:409867.521276.93TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 18:459864.791276.83TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 19:009897.331292.69TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 19:059755.561310.71TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 19:109730.424396.17TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 19:159687.34451.8TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 19:209685.149463.19TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 19:259591.381108.15TRADE
NSW112/12/2024 19:309650.851129.09TRADE