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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Moving millions of dollars from Australia to New Zealand - Does the ATO ignore suspicious dealings

 A Kiwi used a strange process to move over $65 million from Australia to New Zealand.

The Australian Taxation Office has wide-ranging data gathering and analysis capabilities. It is inconceivable that it did not detect this case and cannot detect many cases like the one described here. 

Records available in the New Zealand company office show: 

1. $11 million was transferred between a set of New Zealand companies created a few days before, and removed soon after, where one person controlled all the companies used: 

$11 million transferred between a set of related companies in New Zealand
2. $54 million was transferred between a set of New Zealand companies created a few days before, and removed soon after, where the same person controlled all the companies used: 

$54 million transferred between a set of related companies in New Zealand

The destination of the first transfer, of $11 million, is mentioned again in an Annual Report of the company named Stockton Assets Limited: 

$11 million was loaned the Rocksprings Enterprises Limited

The source of the $millions

Companies in Australia are identified as shareholders in Priority Investments Limited, the New Zealand company name used in the transfer of the $millions: 

Two Australian companies with the same Sydney address became shareholders of a New Zealand company

Australian company office records point to two significant pieces of information about these two companies: 

1. The person who controlled the New Zealand companies that received the funds is the same person who controlled these Australian companies, and

2. Rocksprings Enterprises Limited, the New Zealand company that received the funds in New Zealand - as a loan - was the ultimate owner of the two Australian companies that was the source of the money sent from Australia to New Zealand.

A List of Source Documents and Entities Involved

The documents are available for browsing at google drive => See the list of documents here