Exploration & development the only long-term answer to addressing eastern Australia's tight #natgas supply @Yes2Gas @Gas4NT #nswpol #auspol pic.twitter.com/W26wfYRkOg— APPEA Comms (@APPEAComms) March 27, 2017
.@APPEAComms @yes2gas @Gas4NT Innovation is a long-term answer to low-cost renewable #natgas. 'Explore' documents. https://t.co/fsLTXSiWdU pic.twitter.com/XpGtRuO5RP— Askgerbil Now (@Askgerbil) March 27, 2017
Remember how hot rocks, wave energy & biofuels were going to save the world? Research is good but we must also plan based on current reality https://t.co/lbKhdZRtL9— APPEA Comms (@APPEAComms) March 27, 2017
APPEA deleted the above Tweet - here is an image as it appeared on 27 March 2017
.@APPEAComms The Australian gas industry ignores research and reality "Coal-to-gas is off-the-shelf energy solution" https://t.co/fsLTXSiWdU— Askgerbil Now (@Askgerbil) March 27, 2017
.@APPEAComms Equipment to cut energy consumption is real.— Askgerbil Now (@Askgerbil) March 27, 2017
Higher #natgas price reduces payback period, lifts #ROI https://t.co/jCJznp4pcw
@Askgerbil That post was published 8 years ago. Yet no-one has acted on this wonderful opportunity since then. Old tech, bad waste products— APPEA Comms (@APPEAComms) March 27, 2017
APPEA deleted the above Tweet too - here is an image as it appeared on 27 March 2017
.@APPEAComms Poor analysis of facts.— Askgerbil Now (@Askgerbil) March 27, 2017
Not surprising Aus gas industry in trouble.
Compare US and Aus coal/gas priceshttps://t.co/n2vESmDOlb
.@APPEAComms Marketing w/out knowledge bad for #natgas industry— Askgerbil Now (@Askgerbil) March 27, 2017
World's largest substitute natural gas plant online: https://t.co/Q8GQzikem5
World’s largest #SNG plant starts operation in China http://t.co/0NoX8aF161 Haldor Topsoe A/S announced that Hu... pic.twitter.com/M1tEJii7cI— worldofchemicals (@worldofchemical) November 18, 2014
@Askgerbil You do realise that's only 16PJ of gas/year - before liquefaction? Plus 7 times the emissions of #natgas!https://t.co/w1bBlUn61K— APPEA Comms (@APPEAComms) March 27, 2017
.@APPEAComms A very different answer to: "That post was published 8 years ago. Yet no-one has acted on this wonderful opportunity..."— Askgerbil Now (@Askgerbil) March 27, 2017
Nothing that @appealtd @appeacomms makes sense, used to be sanguine 20plus years ago now a sycophant to @theIPA #auspol https://t.co/DRTln97Zqf— John Powell (@CeltPowell) March 27, 2017
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