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Monday, November 12, 2012

Unexpected Binding Energies

Anything special about 124.334 MeV binding energy?

for 12 neutrons -

146 Tm + 12(  1 n) →  158 Tm + 124.334 MeV
69 0 69

and for 16 neutrons -

158  Tm + 16(  1 n) →  174  Tm + 124.334 MeV
69 0 69

and for these 12 neutrons -

99  In + 12(  1 n) →  111  In + 124.334 MeV
49 0 49

and for these 10 neutrons -

160  Ho + 10(  1 n) →  170  Ho + 124.334 MeV
67  0 67 

and for these 18 neutrons -

133  Ce + 18(  1 n) →  151  Ce + 124.334 MeV
58  0 58 

Why does 8.557 MeV binding energy occur in these 2 places?

For these 7 neutrons -

141  Sm + 7(  1 n) →  148  Sm + 7 x 8.557 MeV
62  0 62 

and for these 4 protons -

141  Sm + 4(  1  p) →  145  Dy + 2 x 8.557 MeV
62  1 66